Innovation Engineering has developed specific expertise in shaping internal processes and workflows and developing web-based solutions to increase efficiency and automation, as well as create value for users. Whether the application is to develop solutions to provide users with easy wizards to comply with specific procedures, or facilitate the internal flow of information, or develop tools to easy internal and external process, our analyst and developers can design and implement web-based solutions focused on creating value for users, developed through an agile methodology to be sure that the applications are fully aligned with users’ needs.

Example of clients and projects:

Innovation Engineering developed the PRAKTIJKLEREN platform ( that is a learning practice web application for all vmbo, mbo, hbo and PhD student learning workshops and courses. It is a Dutch application to support subsidy administration on education where users can subscribe to the platform to manage practices, employees, training, departments and all the necessary information to submit to RVO, the Netherlands Enterprise Agency, valid applications.


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